Event Terms of Service

Event Terms of Service

Last Updated : 05.07.2023


By registering for and attending any virtual or physical events (“Event”) organized by SaaS Insider and its affiliates (“SaaS Insider,” “we,” “our”), you agree and acknowledge that we plan to take photographs and make audio and video recordings (collectively, “Recordings”) at the Event. SaaS Insider may use these assets in marketing materials and for promotional purposes, as determined in our discretion. By participating in the Event, you grant SaaS Insider the right to use and license use of your image, likeness, and voice in Recordings and all media, now or hereafter known, by whatever means exhibited, advertised, or otherwise exploited. You hereby agree to:

(1) release and hold SaaS Insider harmless from any and all liability arising out of the use of the Recordings in any manner or media whatsoever;

(2) waive any right to inspect or approve the use of the Recordings; and

(3) waive any and all actions, suits, or claims relating to use of the Recordings, including claims for invasion of privacy rights or publicity.

All assets and published materials are property of SaaS Insider. Furthermore, SaaS Insider physical events are held in public spaces and virtual events are held on digital platforms; therefore, we do not prohibit (and cannot reasonably prevent) other registrants, exhibitors, sponsors, media organizations, or other companies from photographing, or making audio or video recordings of Event activities.


These terms and conditions for registration and attendance at the Event organized by SaaS Insider (“Event Terms") are binding without qualification or exception, on all persons registered to attend or actually in attendance at our Events (“Registrant,” “you”). By registering for or attending the Event, each Registrant agrees: (1) to be bound by and shall be deemed to have accepted these Event Terms, which the Registrant has read and understood; (2) to review and comply fully with all posted instructions onsite at the Event, as well as SaaS Insider’s Health and Safety Guidelines, which will be updated from time to time in SaaS Insider’s sole discretion and taking into account the recommendations and requirements local governments, local public health agencies, and the Event venue with respect to reducing the transmission of and risks associated with the COVID-19 coronavirus; and (3) they have obtained the consent of their employer, to the extent their employer may so require, prior to registering for the Event and becoming bound by these Event Terms. If the Registrant is not authorized or does not agree to any of these Event Terms, the Registrant may not enter, view or make use of this website for the Event (“Website”) and may not register for or otherwise attend the Event.

Payment Information & Terms

Full payment of the Event registration fee must be provided upon submission of the registration form or when the individual has been accepted as an attendee in case of invite only events.

Full payment must be received at time of purchase. SaaS Insider reserves the right to resell the registration in case the registrant has not submitted full payment prior to the event.

Orders placed on behalf of multiple attendees for group registrations must be current on all group registration fees in order for any member of the group to gain access or entry to the Event.

Please read and understand our transfer and cancellation policies for all registration types.

Registration Rates and Discount

It is your responsibility to confirm the price displayed at checkout is the price you expect and agree to pay prior to completing the purchase.

Upon submission of a complete registration form, the purchase and rate paid are final. We are unable to adjust, return, or refund previously purchased tickets for any reason, except as provided in our 24-Hour Refund Guarantee below.

SaaS Insider may offer a discount code as part of a limited-time sale. That code may only be applied towards the designated type of individual or group registration, and the value will not transfer to another type of individual or group registration if you upgrade later. SaaS Insider honors only one discount code per ticket per Event. Discount codes cannot be applied retroactively.

Registration Confirmation and Scope of Terms

Upon submission of registration, the Registrant will receive a confirmation of the registration, provided the registration has been accepted. Additional rules may apply from the physical Event venue(s) and/or digital platform used for the virtual Event venue(s). Nothing in these Event Terms is designed to censor anyone’s speech or conduct on public property.

Cancellations/Refund Policy: 24-Hour Refund Guarantee

We understand that life happens, so for ticket purchases made more than 30 days prior to the Event, you may cancel your purchase for a full refund within 24 hours after purchase, minus a non-refundable ticket processing fee. Purchases made within 30 days of the event are completely non-refundable. We will not provide refunds under any other circumstances, including if you need to cancel due to illness or for any other reasons outside your control.

To cancel your registration and receive your refund within 24 hours, if eligible, please notify us in writing at events@saasinsider.com If you qualify for a refund, the amount refunded will be based on the actual fees paid for the registration(s) canceled and will be returned within ninety (90) days.

Ticket Transfers

No transfer of ticket is allowed on any type of registration.

No Chargebacks

Because SaaS Insider has a clear Refund Policy above and you have agreed to these terms as a condition of purchasing a ticket to attend our Event, SaaS Insider will not permit any actual or threatened chargebacks from registrants or their banks or credit card companies. In the event SaaS Insider receives a chargeback threat during or after a registrant’s purchase or a chargeback is placed on a registrant’s purchase, SaaS Insider will report that registrant’s name, email, date of accepting these Event Terms, amount authorized by registrant, billing address, and a description of the incident to applicable banks, creditors, and credit bureaus, as well as to any other entities in SaaS Insider’s sole discretion, to ensure the incident is included in appropriate databases and delinquent account listings. That report may negatively impact a registrant’s credit score or ability to get funds from creditors, and SaaS Insider will require you make a full payment of the chargeback amount plus any attorney fees or other expenses incurred in connection with the chargeback incident before SaaS Insider removes you from those databases.

Admittance and Attendance Requirements

Each Registrant must be at least twenty-one (21) years of age or older.

A valid photo ID (either a government-issued identification or driver’s license card or a passport) and COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card showing full vaccination will be required upon arrival at a physical Event, in addition to any additional requirements in our Health and Safety Guidelines.

All packages, bags, and other containers are subject to search, and may be required to be stored during a physical Event.

SaaS Insider reserves the right to deny admittance to the Event to anyone who has registered under false or erroneous pretenses (e.g., using another attendee’s name, individuals who are underage, etc.) and to retain any Event registration fees previously submitted for those registrations.

SaaS Insider reserves the right to refuse or revoke Event registration and admission to any individual in its sole discretion, including for violation of the Permitted Use and Rogue Events provisions below.

Registrants are required to verify their identity, using their real names when accessing a virtual Event and wearing name badges at all times when onsite at a physical Event. Registrants shall not swap, share or loan their badge or virtual Event access information with/to any other person(s). Please note that there is a INR 500 (excluding taxes) reprint fee for the replacement of any badges.

Smoking is not permitted within the Event premises.

Registrants are required to comply with the rules and policies of the virtual and/or physical Event venue at all times while on that venue’s premises or platform. Anyone who is removed from the Event for any reason may be arrested and subject to both criminal charges and a civil lawsuit.

COVID-19 Enhanced Health and Safety Measures

SaaS Insider has taken enhanced health and safety measures and posted instructions onsite at the Event. Registrant is responsible for complying fully with the Health and Safety Guidelines and all posted instructions onsite for the health and safety of all sponsors, vendors, registrants, SaaS Insider and venue representatives, and other persons present at the Event. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present, and senior citizens and individuals with underlying medical conditions are especially vulnerable. COVID-19 is an extremely contagious disease that can lead to severe illness and death. By attending an event organized by SaaS Insider, you voluntarily assume all risks related to exposure to COVID-19.

Agenda Changes; Postponement or Cancellation of Event

From time to time, we may make updates to the Event agenda, which may include cancellation of or changes to certain Event activities. While the Event speakers and agenda are confirmed at the time of publishing, there may be substitutions, alterations, or cancellations of the speakers or agenda due to circumstances beyond the control of SaaS Insider. Accordingly, we cannot and do not guarantee any specific speaker, performing artist, entertainment, or other component of the Event agenda. We reserve the right to alter or modify the advertised speakers or agenda, and we will not refund registration fees, provide alternative compensation, or otherwise be liable to you based on these changes. SaaS Insider will take reasonable efforts to update our Website with any substitutions or alterations as soon as reasonably possible.

SaaS Insider is not responsible for any damage or loss as a result of alteration, substitution, delay, postponement, rescheduling, or cancellation of an Event. SaaS Insider will not be considered in breach of these Event Terms or otherwise liable to you, except as specifically provided in this provision, if an Event is delayed, canceled, rescheduled, or postponed, in whole or in part, as a result of government-ordered closures of venues, services, and other spaces, government-issued shelter-in-place and quarantine orders, government and agency restrictions and recommendations place on individuals and groups of individuals, any law or action taken by a government or public authority, health and travel restrictions, floods, fires, wars, epidemics and pandemics (including without limitation COVID-19 coronavirus), illness, accidents, internet and third party application connectivity, interruption or failure of utility service, electronic or communications failure, explosion, flood, drought, earthquake, or other natural disaster, terrorist attack, riots, civil war, loss of electricity, labor or trade dispute, strike, industrial action or lockout, AI takeover, tsunami, zombie apocalypse, alien invasion, nonperformance by service providers and subcontractors, delays by you, and other impediments to/act of God that could affect the performance caused directly or indirectly by any event or circumstances outside SaaS Insider’s reasonable control, that make SaaS Insider’s performance illegal, impossible, inadvisable, or commercially impractical as determined in SaaS Insider’s reasonable discretion. If an Event is delayed, canceled, rescheduled, or postponed for these or any other reasons, your sole remedy shall be that we will provide you with access to the rescheduled Event or a similar replacement Event, such as virtual event access, at a later date to be determined by SaaS Insider. If an Event is delayed, canceled, rescheduled or postponed, there will be no refunds provided. SaaS Insider will take reasonable efforts to notify you of any interruptions to the Event as soon as reasonably possible.

Access to Event; Disclaimer

We cannot guarantee your admittance to any specific Event activity, as capacity and availability limits apply to both physical and virtual Events. For a virtual Event, we cannot guarantee the Event will be free from any kind of harmful interaction or interference, including but not limited to phishing, Zoom bombing, etc.

We may refuse Event participation to or remove Event access from anyone we determine, in our sole discretion and without liability or refund, (1) poses a health and safety risk to any person or entity at the Event; (2) has behaved or is behaving in a manner that may disrupt, hinder, or cause a nuisance to any person or entity at the Event; or (3) fails to, or threatens or is otherwise likely to fail to, comply with our Health and Safety Guidelines or any instructions posted onsite at the Event, Code of Conduct, our instructions not to record certain Event activities, these Event Terms, and all laws, regulations, and rules (including additional rules and terms of Event venues and platforms) applicable to your participation in or access to the Event.

Permitted Use

You are not permitted to use this Website, our mobile app, or any of our other websites or applications other than for the following, private, non-commercial purposes: (1) viewing the Website; (2) registering for a SaaS Insider Event; (3) reviewing or changing your Event registration; (4) transferring to other websites through links provided on this Website; and (5) making use of other facilities that may be provided on this Website.

The use of automated systems or software to extract data from this Website, our mobile app, or any of our other websites or applications for commercial purposes (e.g., scraping) is prohibited.

In the event you violate the terms of this Permitted Use section, you agree to pay SaaS Insider $1,00,000 within thirty (30) days after the violation. That amount is not a penalty but rather is the agreed-upon liquidated damages suffered as a result of your violation of this provision. You further agree this liquidated damages amount is a valid pre-estimate of damages SaaS Insider will sustain which will not be capable of precise determination.

Harassment; Code of Conduct

SaaS Insider is dedicated to providing a harassment free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of our community or at our Events in any form. Sexual or discriminatory language and imagery is not appropriate for any venue, including personal space, presentations, workshops, parties, Twitter, Zoom, and other online media. Community participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from our Events or venues at the discretion of the staff and without a refund. Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of our team. The full explanation of our Code of Conduct is available on our Website.

Rogue Events and SaaS Insider Afterparty

As a condition of your registration for and attendance at our Event, you represent, warrant, and covenant that you will not enter into any other agreement that conflicts with or would preclude you from complying fully with any of the provisions of these Event Terms and our policies, including our Code of Conduct and SaaS Insider Afterparty Inclusion, Conduct + Content Policies. Producing or hosting other events or activities within 20 miles of a physical Event that solicit sponsorship and/or target or invite SaaS Insider Event attendees, sponsors, or exhibitors without our express permission during Event activities shall be considered a conflicting obligation.

SaaS Insider provides a very limited number of trusted partners an opportunity to host semi-official parties and meet-ups during the evening(s) of our physical Events. These are one of the top opportunities to informally meet with the top attendees of our Event. We also heavily promote them in our mobile app, at our Event, and otherwise. They are net money-losers for SaaS Insider and are designed solely to enhance the attendee experience. If you are interested in hosting one of these SaaS Insider Afterparties or meet-ups, please let us know.

Limitations on Your Recordings

SaaS Insider reserves the right to (1) limit, restrict or prohibit audio or video recordings and/or transmissions of the Event or any portion thereof, or the taking of photographs during the Event, and (2) remove anyone conducting unauthorized recordings or photography. Any person who conducts unauthorized recordings or photography after being notified by SaaS Insider that such recordings or photography are so limited, restricted or prohibited:

(a) transfers ownership of any and all unauthorized recordings of the Event (i.e., tape, CD, or such other medium) to SaaS Insider or its assigns;

(b) agrees, upon request, to give possession of all copies of any such unauthorized recordings to SaaS Insider before leaving the Event;

(c) authorizes use of any such unauthorized recordings of the Event by SaaS Insider and/or its assigns for any purpose; and

(d) represents and warrants that any attendees and other individuals that appear in such photos and videos have also consented to such use.

For a virtual Event, you may take screenshots of Event activities for your personal use, but those screenshots may include content or material that is protected by copyrights, trademarks, or other rights which we own or have licenses to use. So you may not copy, reproduce, publish, or distribute the screenshots or take any audio or video recordings of Event activities without our prior written permission.

For a physical Event, we will post a sign at the entry, make an announcement at the beginning of the Event activity, and/or notify you through our Event platform, on the registration form for that Event activity, through online community, or otherwise if that Event activity may not be recorded or photographed.

We encourage you to share screenshots and “snippet” recordings on your social media channels, as long as the clips use our official event hashtag, tag SaaS Insider and any sponsors (as appropriate), and are less than one minute in length. Live streaming and posting any images or recordings of Event activities when we have announced recording of that Event activity is not permitted. You agree not to use any permitted recordings for commercial purposes, to mislead or disparage, to imply you own the recording content, to suggest that we endorse your business, or in violation of applicable laws or our Code of Conduct. You further agree to comply with any requests we make not to record specific Event activities and for you to discontinue use of recordings, including removal of previous social media posts that include those recordings.

Authorization for Recordings by SaaS Insider and Event Sponsors

SaaS Insider, Event sponsors, and other authorized third parties may from time to time take photos and videos at the Event, which SaaS Insider and those third parties may later use in any format or medium for promotional purposes, or which may otherwise be used, published or posted by a third party, including without limitation, via online posting on a third party or SaaS Insider website. By participating or attending the Event, each Registrant agrees that he or she may appear in these photos and videos, and authorizes, and agrees to hold SaaS Insider harmless from, their use in this fashion. The views expressed by any Event attendee, speaker, exhibitor or sponsor are not necessarily those of SaaS Insider or its affiliates. All Event attendees, speakers, exhibitors and sponsors are solely responsible for the content of any and all individual or corporate presentations, marketing collateral, advertising, and online web content.

Privacy and Data Sharing

By using the Website, submitting the registration form for the Event or specific Event activities, or otherwise attending the Event, the Registrant consents to having his/her personal data collected, used, transferred to and processed in accordance with the terms of our Privacy Policy.

Third Party Links and Content

Our Website, mobile app, or any of our other websites or applications may contain links to other websites that are owned and operated by third parties and to content provided by third party service providers, Event sponsors, and other Event registrants, including videos, images, descriptions, links and other content. We have no control over third party websites or content, and we are not responsible for the availability of or materials provided on or through those third party websites or content. We do not make any representations regarding the accuracy of any third party websites or content. We are not responsible or liable for damages or losses arising from third party sites or content, and we recommend you review their applicable terms and conditions, as well as their privacy policies, if you choose to engage with those sites or content. You agree to assume all responsibility for your decision to enter into any transaction or other relationship with those third parties.

Personal Access by Registrant of Record Only

Access to our Event is for personal and non-commercial use only by the registrant of record and may not be shared or resold under any circumstances. We grant you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable right to access the Event and view the Event activities for the duration of the Event, subject to the limitations in this provision. Access may not be transferred except as provided in these Event Terms and authorized by SaaS Insider. Where there has been any sharing, resale, attempted sharing or resale, unauthorized transfer, or other breach of these Event Terms, we reserve the right to revoke your Event access immediately and without a refund or any further liability to you.

Special Assistance

You are responsible for advising us regarding any special access, accommodations, or other assistance you require at the time you register for our Event, and we will assist you as best we can.

In the event your attendance at our Event requires the granting of a visa, you agree SaaS Insider is not responsible for ensuring the granting of your visa and will not issue a refund if your visa is not granted.

Usage Terms

Access to a virtual Event and our Website and applications, as well as access to certain components of a physical Event, requires compatible devices. Additionally, certain software (including third-party software) may be required or may need updates. Your access to a virtual Event, our Website and applications, and certain components of a physical Event may be affected by the performance of your device and certain software. We will provide access tips on our website or via email to Registrants prior to the Event.

Additionally, you will need a high-speed internet connection in order to access a virtual Event. When accessing through a mobile network, the network will apply fees for data usage.

Virtual Event Platform

We will be hosting our virtual Event using third-party video conferencing platform. It is the registrant’s responsibility to read and comply with the third party video conferencing platform’s policies and terms. We may use other platforms for breakout rooms and other specific Event activities, which we will communicate to Registrants prior to the Event.

Disclaimers; No Warranties

SaaS Insider Events, this Website, and any applications are provided “As-Is” and “As Available,” without warranty of any kind, express or implied. We make no guarantees as to uptime or availability of virtual Events, this Website or any applications, and we do not warrant that our Events, this Website, or applications or any of their content or functionality will be error-free or uninterrupted or that defects will be corrected. Registrant assumes all responsibility and risk for the use of the Website and/or attendance at or registration for the Event, including without limitation access to and use of Event venues and platforms and exposure to COVID-19. To the fullest extent permissible by applicable law, we shall have no responsibility or liability for any content or materials displayed or distributed as part of our Events or on our Website or applications, or any other resulting damage, including without limitation damage from virus attacks, internet congestion, and denial of service attacks. We disclaim all warranties, express or implied, including without limitation implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, noninfringement, or other violation of rights.

Limitation of Liability



You agree to defend, indemnify, and hold harmless SaaS Insider, its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, shareholders, owners, managers, members, past and present employees, contractors, volunteers, representatives, agents, affiliates, successors, and assigns (collectively, “Releasees”) from and against all actions, suits, claims, losses, liability, costs, and expenses, including attorney fees (collectively, “Claims”) arising out of or in connection with: (i) your viewing, purchase, use, or participation in the Event, Website and Applications, including without limitation all content and other materials made available to you; (ii) any content you submit to our Website, applications, or social media properties or tag us in on your social media profiles, or (iii) your violation of these Event Terms. This provision shall apply regardless of Releasees’ negligence, if any.

Choice of Law and Venue

These Event Terms and any Claims arising out of or in connection with these Event Terms or the Website, applications, or Event, including without limitation any Claims that might arise between Registrant and SaaS Insider ("Claim") shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Karnataka, India, without regard to its conflict of law provisions. Any matter involving interpretation or enforcement of these Event Terms shall be brought in the state or courts in Bengaluru, Karnataka, India. By purchasing, using, viewing, or participating in the Website, applications, or Event, you agree to accept the exclusive personal jurisdiction in and exclusive venue of those courts. We shall be entitled to recover our attorneys’ fees and costs in enforcing our rights under these Event Terms, whether we choose to enforce our rights through negotiation, mediation, arbitration, or litigation.


Any notices to you regarding these Event Terms will be provided by email using the contact information last provided by you. Notice will be deemed given one (1) business day after email transmission from us, or two (2) business days after the date of posting on our website or elsewhere, as may be appropriate under the circumstances or otherwise required by law. If you have any questions about our Events, Website, applications, or any of our terms or policies, including these Event Terms, please email contact@saasinsider.com and include the name of the terms, policy, or Event in the subject line.


Failure by either party to enforce any provision in these Event Terms is not a waiver of future enforcement of that or any other provision. The waiver of any breach of these Event Terms is not effective unless in a written agreement signed by the waiving party and is not a waiver of any other or subsequent breach.

Updates to Terms of Use

We will update these Event Terms occasionally to reflect changes in the law, our Website, applications, Events, our practices, and advances in technology. When we post those changes, we will revise the “Last Updated” date at the top of these Event Terms. If we make any material changes to these Event Terms, we will take reasonable steps to notify you or obtain your consent, which could include notifications through our website, via email, or as otherwise may be required by law. Please review any changes carefully. Any access or use, including your continued access or use, of the Website, applications, or Event by you after we have posted the updated version of these Event Terms will mean you consent to and accept those changes. If you do not consent to any changes, you may cease accessing, using and viewing our Website, applications, and Event, and you may contact us to request deletion of your personal information by writing to contact@saasinsider.com.

Severability; Entire Agreement

In the event that any portion of these Event Terms is declared invalid, illegal, or unenforceable for any reason, the remaining portions of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect. These Event Terms together with our Health and Safety Guidelines, Code of Conduct, and Privacy Policy, are the exclusive agreement between us with respect to this subject matter and supersedes all prior agreements, negotiations, representations, and proposals, written or oral, relating to this subject matter. There are no conditions precedent to the effectiveness of these Event Terms other than those expressly stated in these Event Terms. The provisions of these Event Terms may not be explained, supplemented, or qualified through evidence of trade usage or a prior course of dealing. In entering into these Event Terms, neither party has relied upon any representation, warranty, or agreement of the other party except for those expressly contained in these Event Terms.

Tell Us How We’re Doing

Please send any questions or feedback regarding our Events, Website, applications, or these Event Terms to contact@saasinsider.com

Anticorruption and Bribery

SaaS Insider strictly prohibits any form of bribery or corruption in relation to our services. By agreeing to these terms of service, you affirm that you will not engage in or support any acts of bribery or corruption, including but not limited to offering, giving, receiving, or soliciting bribes or any other improper inducements. You acknowledge and agree that you will comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to anti-bribery and corruption, including the United Nations Convention against Corruption and the laws of your country of residence or operation. You shall not use SaaS Insider's services for any illegal or unethical purposes, and you will report any suspected instances of bribery or corruption to the appropriate authorities.


SaaS Insider is intended for networking and collaboration amongst the SaaS community. We’re not inclined to tell people what to do, and we generally assume that most people are intelligent and well-intended. However, the participation of each member in our community is of utmost importance. We want all participants to have an enjoyable and fulfilling experience. Accordingly, all participants are expected to show respect and courtesy to others.

This Code of Conduct outlines the expectations for behaviour as members of our community. All participants, speakers, sponsors, vendors, and volunteers at any SaaS Insider event or venue are required to abide by this Code of Conduct to participate in our community.


SaaS Insider is dedicated to providing a harassment-free experience for everyone, regardless of gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion (or lack thereof), or technology choices. We do not tolerate harassment of our community in any form. Sexual or discriminatory language and imagery is not appropriate for any venue, including personal space, presentations, workshops, parties, Twitter and other online media. Community participants violating these rules may be sanctioned or expelled from our events or venues at the discretion of the staff and without a refund.

Please bring any concerns to the immediate attention of our team by writing to contact@saasinsider.com.

A more detailed version

Harassment includes offensive verbal comments related to gender, gender identity and expression, age, sexual orientation, disability, physical appearance, body size, race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, technology choices, sexual images in public spaces, deliberate intimidation, stalking, following, harassing photography or recording, sustained disruption of talks or other events, inappropriate physical contact, and unwelcome sexual or discriminatory attention. Harassment also includes slights and negative messages, both unintended and intentional, based solely on appearance (sometimes called microaggressions).

Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Sponsors and vendors are also subject to our anti-harassment policy. In particular, sponsors should not use sexualized or discriminatory images, activities, or other material. Booth staff (including volunteers) should not use sexualized or discriminatory clothing/uniforms/costumes, or otherwise create a sexualized or discriminatory environment.

If a community participant engages in harassing behavior, staff may take any action they deem appropriate, including warning the offender or immediate expulsion from the event or venue without refund.

If you are being harassed, notice that someone else is being harassed, or have any other concerns, please contact a member of our team immediately.

Our staff will be happy to help community participants contact event or venue security or local law enforcement, provide safe escort, or otherwise assist those experiencing harassment to feel safe for the duration of their time with us. We value you as part of our community.

We expect participants to follow these rules at all SaaS Insider events, venues, and SaaS Insider-related social events.

Speaker Guidelines

To ensure quality content, we maintain strict and clear lines on content that are different from most other events. Please read below to familiarize yourself with our rules and standards.

All Sessions Must Be About Helping the Next Generation of Founders and benefit the community. No Exceptions.

1 ) No Commercials. No sessions about the merits of a vendor’s product. A speaker’s product shall only be mentioned in the context of providing actionable insights to help the next generation. You are required to submit your content well ahead of time, and it will be rejected if it is a vendor commercial.

Stages are “load balanced” based on demand.

2) No Repeats. We believe in maintaining fresh perspectives. We thus generally do not have speakers repeat one year in a row and when speakers come back, we require the topic to be new and to not have been presented at any other event.

3)The SaaS Insider Speaker Committee is solely responsible for selecting all speakers on our content tracks, and this process is entirely independent of any sponsorship involvement. Maintaining this separation ensures a high-quality experience for everyone, including our sponsors.

4)Executives from sponsoring companies who are chosen as speakers will act solely as speakers and not use their sessions for promotional purposes. Commercial content is not permitted in our sessions.

5)We actively manage sponsor conflicts to avoid any potential issues or biases in our content and speaker selection.

6) Companies that violate our rules, including sponsors, may be grey listed and restricted from speaking at our events for the next 12 months.

7) While we do have sponsored workshops and sessions, they are distinct from our core content and must still align with our values and provide value to our attendees. We ensure that they meet our editorial and inclusion standards.

8) Session attendance is entirely based on the content and its relevance to our attendees. We do not guarantee attendance for any session. We have observed instances where sessions with highly relevant topics for the current market attract a full audience, while sales-oriented sessions with less relevance may have lower attendance.

9) We reserved the right to cancel due to poor potential attendance as well. A panel of 2 speakers, where one is a VC interviewing his portfolio company, perform the worst of the worst.

Recording and Resources: To promote ongoing learning within the SaaS Insider community, we will make session recordings and presentation materials, if used, available to our audience. This ensures that valuable insights and knowledge continue to benefit attendees long after the conference has ended.

Types of sessions at SaaS Insider events:

1) Panels: These 30 - 40 minute sessions feature 2-4 individuals sharing their insights and experiences on a specific topic. We highly encourage diverse and cross-organizational panels to provide varied perspectives.

2) Solo Presentations: In these 20 - 30 minute sessions, a single presenter offers tactical insights on a particular subject. Attendees can gain valuable knowledge from these focused presentations.

3)Workshops: Engaging and interactive, workshops last 30-40 minutes, allowing attendees to learn new skills. Each workshop combines a presentation segment with a group discussion, fostering a hands-on learning experience.

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Keep up to date with SaaS Insider

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