7 Steps to Nail Your SaaS Website - Part 1
Nov 23, 2021
There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a great SaaS website that attracts users, keeps them engaged, makes them act on the call-to-action points and inspires them to come back for more. In this article we briefly touch on some important factors that you should consider when creating a successful website for your SaaS company. It is important to stay updated, and here are our suggestions for 2021!
1. SaaS Web Design
The Look
The design plays the biggest role when it comes to the very first impression of your website, and therefore you should not rush this part. Firstly, you would want to add an eye-catching headline that briefly explains what you do for the client. Highlight things like benefits, special deals, and news. Include images, videos, or audio for a personal touch and make your SaaS website feel more alive and updated.
When you pick your color scheme, keep your target market and their location and culture in mind. Find out what different colors represent, what feelings they provoke, and which of the colors go well together. Make sure your font is easy to read, always clear against its background, and that goes hand-in-hand with what your company represents.
Scroll and Pick!
Rather let the visitor scroll your site than clicking around. Having the most important parts of your client- caching web content presented in a structured scrollable order can give you 30% more conversions. Make your SaaS website easy to navigate and let them find what they are looking for quickly.
Remember that less is more when it comes to the number of choices. Present a few, but well-composed options that you offer on your website. The likelihood of users converting is greater if they are not led into overthinking their choice - which easily happens when there are too many options.
2.Optimize for Organic Traffic
This part usually takes some time to build up, although when done correctly, it lays the very important foundation for incoming organic traffic and definitely pays off in the long run.
Great Content Comes First!
Having relevant, reliable, useful, and well-structured content will make any search engine happy. But most of all, your visitors will be the happiest! Remember to get your meta descriptions down and use key terms that resonate with your service. Search engines love crawling content, which is why you often also would want to add content to your SaaS website. A great way of doing this is by blogging regularly. Websites that include a blog post on a regular basis will give over 400% more indexing for Google to do, which in turn means you climb the ranking quicker than those who do not keep a regular blog.
Link to Your Site
A great way to refer to your SaaS website is through social media. Posting engaging and visually pleasing content consistently, using the right hashtags and proper timing is a great recipe for leading more users to your website. You can also encourage collaborations with other websites that are relevant to your topic and let them link to your website (and vice versa).
Use SEO Tools
Cut plenty of guesswork by using an SEO tool to help you with meta titles, descriptions, and other useful data. The tools help you remember the different things you need to implement, it tells you if you are doing things correctly, and gives you tips on how to do better. To mention a few tools: SEM Rush, Yoast (WordPress), GrowthBar and Ahrefs.
3. Make Sure it Converts
Make it Easy!
The very first steps on your SaaS website should be easy to find and follow. It should be a no-brainer for the user to explore the options and make a purchase, call, or whatever it is you are encouraging them to do. You can for example give away something of great value for free in exchange for the user's contact info, like their email address. This way you are engaging the visitor while it simultaneously gives you retargeting opportunities.
Add Testimonials, Reviews & Logos
People care about what other people think. This is no less true when it comes to showing off some great reviews, testimonials, and including the logos of companies that you have collaborated with previously.
Add a Third-party Sign-up Service
Make the signup process as easy as possible by adding the option of signing up with their Google, Facebook, or another account. You can use for example Quicksprout for that. You also want to minimize the number of forms in general on your site and keep the ones you need to have as short as possible.
Add a Live Chat
Implementing a live chat is an appreciated quick contact point for visitors who can get their answers within moments. An automatic FAQ response through the chat can filter out many enquiries about general information and only lead the customers who have more complex questions to talk to a live person on your customer service team.
Read 7 Steps to Nail Your SaaS Website - Part 2 here
Written By - Chameli Kuduva, Founder - SaaS Insider